Monday, February 13, 2012

How to Get Rid of Gas

You may not know it, but you're constantly swallowing air. The easy act of swallowing or slurping drinks through a straw makes gas enter your body. More air is particularly taken in when you eat too fast or when you chew gum. Having gas inside you isn't abnormal; every person has it. While it can sometimes lead to embarrassing situations, there ordinarily is no concern for oftentimes passing gas every day. After all, the midpoint person passes gas practically 14 times a day.

Causes of Gas

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There are two main causes of gas. The first, as has already been mentioned, is swallowing air (also known as aerophagia), which can happen every time you eat or drink. The presuppose why most people burp or belch after a full, hearty meal is due to the excess gas accumulated while eating. Belching or burping is the most base way some of the swallowed air (which contains oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide) leaves the stomach. The rest goes into your small intestine (where it is partially absorbed) and the large intestine, where it gets released via the rectum in the form of flatulence (or more colloquially termed as a fart).

How to Get Rid of Gas

The second main cause of gas is the breakdown of some of the foods you eat. Unfortunately, most of these foods are branded as wholesome - fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains. The presuppose why these ordinarily upstanding foods are such offenders is because they include a high estimate of fiber. Fiber is an foremost health component for your body, giving it benefits like ensuring your digestive theory is working properly as well as regulating cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Soluble fiber, however, does not get broken down until it reaches the large intestine, where its digestion causes the formation of gas.

Lactose intolerance can also cause a higher than normal yield of gases. If you find yourself having gas issues after eating dairy products, it could be because your body is unable to break down the lactose found in dairy. Lactose intolerance is particularly base in people who are of Native American, Asian, or African descent as these ethnicities have, by nature, low levels of lactase, an enzyme the body needs to process lactose. Also, as people age, the enzyme level decreases, resulting in an increase in gas yield after lactose intake.

Other lesser causes of gas include the proximity of other health conditions like Crohn's disease or inflammatory bowel disease, the consumption of antibiotics (which cause the disruption of helpful bacteria in your bowel system), overuse of laxatives, constipation, and consumption of artificial additives like sorbitol and mannitol.

Aside from definite embarrassing situations, an excess of gas might cause abdominal pains for some people. The build-up of air and gases from within causes pressure which, in turn, causes pain (keep in mind, however, that not all abdominal pains are caused by gas. Appendicitis, for example, is a pain manifesting on your right side only). While abdominal gas pains are mostly short, they can be intense. There are several ways for you to get rid of excess gas.

Eliminating Excess Gas

Treat underlying health conditions. If your gas health is due to some other health disease, treating that disease should get rid of your gas problem. If you're not sure either your gas question is admittedly caused by other condition, have yourself checked by your physician. Sometimes, the gas question is only a symptom of other health issue, and not the issue itself.

Lessen your intake of gas-causing foods. The worst offenders of gas for most people are beans, cauliflower, onions, apples, sugar-free candies, and chewing gum.

Foods high in fiber are also contributors to gas. However, since fiber is a wholesome component in a diet, just temporarily cut back on foods that include them, such as wheat, vegetables, fruits, and legumes. Gently couple them into your diet over the weeks that follow. Do not eliminate fiber foods in your diet. The trick is to limit them in such a way that you can still get their benefits. If you're having problem doing so, consult a dietitian or a nutritionist.

Reduce dairy product consumption. If you're lactose intolerant, reducing your intake of dairy products will go a long way to lessening your gas problems. If you admittedly must consume them, use low-lactose dairy foods instead. For example, substitute yogurt for milk. You can also try using products that help in the digestion of lactose, such as Lactaid. You can also try to consume dairy products in small, manageable amounts or eat them together with other foods so digestion will not be as difficult.

While on the topic of manageable amounts of food, eating several small meals scattered throughout the day instead of three huge meals can also be a good way to sacrifice your gas problems.

Chew your food properly. You know how your parents were always telling you to chew your food Gently and properly? Well, aside from it being proper table etiquette, eating your food Gently and thoroughly instead of gulping it down like a huge trash compactor on steroids will lessen your probability of taking in more air while eating. Also, don't use straws when drinking. Sipping through straws increases the chances that you'll take in more air than usual. If you can't seem to operate your eating and drinking speed, put your fork down between each bite.

Stop smoking. When you smoke, you take in air that is supposed to directly go to your lungs. However, since you're essentially inhaling air via your mouth, it is definite that some will find its way to your stomach, adding in more air than usual.

Take medications. There are several over the counter drugs that can help you operate or get rid of your excess gas. For the lactose intolerant, the enzyme lactase is available in caplet form and chewable tablet form. You don't need a prescribe to get it. Lactrase and Lactaid are the two most base brands that include lactase. Take these supplements before you consume any dairy products.

Beano, a digestive aid, has a sugar-digesting enzyme the body lacks to digest the sugar that is found in beans and vegetables. The enzyme comes in tablet or liquid form. For liquid, five drops are added to a serving of the food. For tablets, one tablet before eating is sufficient to break down the sugar that produces gas. However, Beano does not help preclude gases caused by lactose intolerance or fiber.

Semithione and charcoal tablets are also good medications you can take to break up the gas bubbles, limiting immoderate belching.

All in all, a change in lifestyle and diet are the only things you need to do in order to get rid of your gas problem. There shouldn't be whatever more than that, unless the gas question is a symptom of something that is more serious. In such screenings and diagnosis, the physician may take a look at your curative history as well as accomplish several corporeal examinations to rule out other more serious conditions. The tests ordinarily include checking your abdomen to see if it is distended and tapping it to check for hollow sounds. A hollow sound is ordinarily an indication of excess gas. Along with conducting several other tests and reviewing your curative history, the physician may advise other tests just to be sure. If it's nothing, then all you need to worry about is manufacture sure you don't get yourself embarrassed in social - something that can be avoided with proper etiquette.

How to Get Rid of GasGarden & Lawn Pest Control : How to Control Mealybugs Tube. Duration : 2.02 Mins.

Control mealybugs that attack plants by washing the plants with water, wiping down the leaves and applying a mixture of detergent, vegetable oil and water. Avoid flat, circular mealybugs withtips from a sustainable gardener in this free video on garden pest control. Expert: Yolanda Vanveen Contact: Bio: Yolanda Vanveen is sustainable gardener who lives in Kalama, Wash. Filmmaker: Daron Stetner

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